Much more than a place to work.
A place to transform.
Being part of a hub of social innovation, creativity and
entrepreneurship is an invitation to build the future
But maybe you thought, “is this for me?”. It's a natural question. ❤️
If you think that it is possible to transform the reality of the market so that one dayall people and cities can balance quality of life and economic growth, yes, Juicyhub is for you.
if you believe thatwe learn collectivelyand that theDiversity is a source of knowledge, inspiration and innovation, yes, Juicyhub is your place.
If you are looking for a place tomeet people, exchange knowledge, teaching and learning no matter where you work and what your field of expertise, Juicyhub is for you too.
Finally, if you understand that it is necessaryreinventthe way we live and work, believe me: Juicyhub was made for you.
So, after answering your question, we want to know if:
Would you like the Baixada Santista region to be full of opportunities, with fewer people needing to leave here or climb the Serra do Mar every day?
do you believe ingender equality,decent work and economic growth, andsustainable cities?
Do you understand the importance of networking and collective construction?
Do you dream of a place where you can work, learn and have fun at the same time?
Do you feel distracted or lonely working from home?
Do you undertake or want to create a business by crossing your skills with new economic models?
Are you that person who feels fulfilled learning something new every day?
Do you work at a company that has adopted a home office or hybrid work model, and don't want to miss that day-to-day exchange?
Are you in a career transition from the traditional economy to the new, more digital, creative and social economy?
Are you interested in connecting with entrepreneurial and transformative people every day?
Do you work with an industry-based economic focus and want to move to a service-based economy?
Do you enjoy learning, participating in conversation circles, mentoring and still having the opportunity to seek new partners?
Are you part of a group with less representation in high leadership positions and do you want to change this reality?
Are you part of a group with less representation and looking to be part of a platform with belonging, connections and security to start a new story?
Do you need a space to receive clients, hold meetings, produce content or hold events?
if you answeredYEAfor one or more of these questions, we are waiting for you on Juicyhub.
Come be part of our community and make skills, quality of life, and economic growth possible for you. And for all people
If you didn't identify with any of these questions?talk to us anyway, we believe we do better when we do it together, so your input is essential.